Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lake Huron drive

Today’s tour took me and Rosie north along the Lake Huron shoreline to Pinery Provincial Park. Though the temperature was a chilly 5 degrees, I was bundled up nicely in several layers. On the way to Pinery, I toured along Kettle Point Indian Reserve, and drove the hard sand of the Ipperwash Beach area, flushing a Bald Eagle feeding on a dead fish on the beach.

Pinery Provincial Park is one of Ontario’s finest parks and one I should spend a lot more time in. This is where our family camped every year in my formative years and I often take it for granted. It’s got spectacular sand dunes and miles of sandy beaches and pine/deciduous forests loaded with interesting plants and animals.

There’s a nice ‘fall colour’ drive you can take in the Pinery with some nice twisty turns. One has to stay alert for sandy spots and slippery leaves on the roadway. I felt my bike slide a few times. I took a nap on the sand dunes, then walked the cedar trail where I bagged a pair of Tufted Titmice! My hunger was assuaged with a wonderful cheeseburger at MacPherson’s Restaurant in Port Franks (one of the few places where the patties are still handmade).

On the way home, I stopped to check the progress of the Ravenswood wind farm where six wind turbines are being installed. All of the blades, turbines, and other parts are there lying on the ground like giant tinker toys. It’s exciting seeing the project come together, one that I helped bring to life in my own small way by conducting the bird migration study two years ago.

Bike beside one of the three blades that will capture the wind.
New birds today:

Horned Grebe
Snow Goose
Wood Duck
Green-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
American Wigeon
Ring-necked Duck
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Tufted Titmouse

Total Bird Species: 130
Total kilometres: 6,300

1 comment:

Peregrino said...

Nice to see another motorcycling/birding page! I think we're a rare breed. It's been awhile since you posted, any plans on writing again? I'm currently writing my site on